Associate at Lexin Legal Advisors. Lawyer with more than 20 years of practice in the field of civil, commercial and administrative law. He has vast experience in the legal management of companies, as well as public entities. He finished the races of law and notary law at the Faculty of Legal and Diplomatic Sciences of the Universidad Católica Nuestra Señora de la Asunción, with outstanding distinction. He has a Doctor in Defense, Development and Strategic Security National by the Institute of Higher Strategic Studies (IAEE) of the National Defense Council and has completed doctoral courses in Legal Sciences and Public Law with an emphasis on Governance. He holds a Master's degree in Public Law and Public Policy Management with emphasis on Constitutional Law, Administrative Law and Public International Law and a Master's Degree in National Strategic Planning and Management. He has made postgraduate courses and training in Administrative Law and Public Administration, Organizational and People Development, MSME Development, Agribusiness, International Trade and Ethics, Compliance and Transparency, in the country, Argentina, Spain and the USA. He served as Head of Office and General Legal Director of the Attorney General's Office (PGR), Chief of Staff and Legal Advisor of the National Service of Animal Quality and Health (SENACSA), General Legal Director of the National Secretariat of Tourism (SENATUR), Secretary General of the National Directorate of Public Contracts (DNCP), Legal Coordinator of the Park Tecnológico Itaipu Paraguay (PTI-PY) and Special Advisor to the Right Bank Executive Legal Directorate of Itaipú Binacional, having also been part of recognized legal firms at the local level. He is a teacher of the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences of the National University of Asunción since 2007