Partner LEXIN Legal Advisors.
Lawyer specializing in administrative, civil and commercial law, municipal law and public works.
she completed her law degree at the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences of the Catholic University of Asunción.
Master in Public Law and Public Policy Management with emphasis on Administrative Constitutional Law, Columbia University of Paraguay – CEDEP.
Master in Private Law, National University of Rosario- Argentina.
He was Legal Director of the National Directorate of Public Procurement-DNCP, (2014-2018 and 2023), Legal Advisor of the Ministry of FINANCE (2019-2023), Legal Advisor of the Ministry of JUSTICE, Legal Advisor of the Fund for Excellence in Education and Research-FEEI (2018 – 2023), Legal Advisor of the Honorable CHAMBER OF SENATORS. He currently advises various public institutions and private companies on matters financial administration, public procurement and business law. Founding partner of the Association of Entrepreneurs of Paraguay, a non-profit association with more than 7,000 members.